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Ensuring Your Voice is Heard: Optimising SEO with Heading Levels H1, H2 and H3 on Your LGBTQ+ Organisation’s Website

SEO best practices

In the digital age, ensuring your organisation’s website is both visible and accessible is paramount. For LGBTQ+ organisations worldwide, your website serves as a beacon of information, support, and community. However, the impact of your content can be diminished if it’s not structured in a way that search engines understand. This is where the power of heading levels comes into play, particularly when using WordPress’s Gutenberg editor.

Understanding the importance of heading levels

Heading levels (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are not just stylistic choices; they play a crucial role in structuring content for both SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and accessibility. Proper use of headings ensures that search engines can easily navigate and index your content, improving your site’s visibility. For the diverse members of the LGBTQ+ community seeking resources or support, well-structured content means information is easier to find and understand.

Step-by-step guide to using heading levels effectively

1. Start with a clear H1 for your title

Every page or post should begin with an H1 heading, which is the title. This tells both your readers and search engines what the primary focus of the page is. For a blog post on a topic like “Supporting Trans Youth”, the H1 would be precisely that. In WordPress, the title field automatically assigns the H1 tag, so you’re all set from the start.

2. Organise your content with H2 and H3 headings

Use H2 headings to introduce the main sections of your content. Think of them as chapters in a book. Under each H2, you can use H3 headings for subsections that provide more specific details or points within that chapter. For example, under the H2 heading ‘Understanding gender identity’ you might have H3 headings such as ‘Terminology’ and ‘How to be supportive’. This can then be followed by an H2 heading.

Here is an example of the correct structure of H2 and H3 headings:

Understanding Gender Identity (H2)

This is a paragraph under the H2 heading. Let’s add some more text here so that this paragraph really looks like a paragraph.

Terminology (H3)

This is a paragraph under the H3 heading. Let’s add slightly more text here so that this paragraph really looks like a paragraph.

How to Be Supportive (H3)

This is a paragraph under the H3 heading. Let’s add some more text here so that this paragraph really looks like a paragraph.

Another H2 heading

This is a paragraph under this H2 heading. Let’s add some more text here so that this paragraph really looks like a paragraph.

And here another H3 heading

This is a paragraph under the H3 heading. Let’s add slightly more text here so that this paragraph really looks like a paragraph.

3. Keep the hierarchy logical

Always maintain a logical structure, moving from H1 to H2 to H3, and so on. Avoid skipping levels, as this can confuse both your readers and search engines. A common mistake is using headings for styling rather than structure; remember, the Gutenberg editor allows you to style text without misusing headings.

Practical tips for WordPress users

  • Preview your changes
    Use the ‘Preview’ function in WordPress to check how your headings will look and ensure the hierarchy makes sense.
  • Accessibility plugins
    Consider using SEO and accessibility plugins like Yoast SEO, which can help you analyse your content’s readability and heading structure.
  • Customise styles
    If you’re concerned about the visual aspect, you can customise heading styles through your theme’s customiser or additional CSS. This way, you can maintain both aesthetics and proper structure.

See how to add headings with the WordPress Gutenberg editor

Wrapping up: The impact of well-structured content

By implementing proper heading levels, you not only boost your site’s SEO but also its accessibility, making your content more reachable and understandable to a broader audience. This is especially crucial for LGBTQ+ organisations, where the right information can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

We encourage you to review your website’s content through the lens of structure and accessibility. Small changes can have a profound impact on how effectively you communicate with your audience. Remember, in the vast ocean of the internet, every step taken towards better visibility and accessibility is a step towards a more inclusive world.

Let’s make sure your voice is heard loud and clear.

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