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Enhancing Your LGBTQ+ Organisation’s Website: A Guide to Smart Link Management

Web Design Best Practices

In the digital age, managing a website is akin to running a bustling community centre. For LGBTQ+ organisations, your website is a crucial hub where members, allies, and those seeking support come together. One aspect of website management that often goes overlooked, however, is the strategy behind opening links. Should a link open in the same tab or a new one? While it might seem like a small detail, the decision can significantly impact user experience, especially on platforms like WordPress. This article aims to demystify this topic, offering clear, concise advice to help you enhance your website’s effectiveness and accessibility.

Why link management matters

Before diving into the technicalities, let’s understand why this matters. Proper link management ensures that visitors can navigate your site effortlessly, find the information they need, and return to your main content without frustration. For LGBTQ+ organisations, where providing accessible, user-friendly resources is paramount, mastering this aspect of web design is essential.

External vs. Internal Links: Knowing the Difference

  • External links lead to resources or pages outside your website. They’re used for citations, partner sites, or relevant articles.
  • Internal links navigate within your website, directing users to other pages or sections of your own website.

Opening External Links in a New Tab

Why it’s important

  • Keeps your website accessible to users, allowing them to explore additional resources without losing their place.
  • Enhances user engagement by preventing visitors from navigating away from your site too soon.

How to implement in WordPress

  • When adding a link in the WordPress editor, click on the link options and check the box that says “Open in new tab”. This simple step ensures that users can explore external content. When they close the opened tab, they are immediately back on your website.

Why Internal Links Should Stay in the Same Tab

Why it’s important

  • Maintains a seamless browsing experience. Users expect internal links to keep them on the same site, in the same tab.
  • Helps in keeping the user’s journey straightforward and logical, essential for retaining engagement on your site.

How to implement in WordPress

  • Simply add internal links without selecting the “Open in new tab” option. This keeps your site navigation intuitive and user-friendly.

Practical Tips

  • Review Your Links Regularly: Ensure that external links are up-to-date and relevant, opening in new tabs where appropriate.
  • User Testing: Gather feedback from your community about their browsing experience. This can provide invaluable insights into how well your linking strategy is working.

Still have questions? Ask your webmaster or let us help you.


Managing how links open on your website might seem like a small detail, but it’s a crucial part of creating a welcoming, accessible, and user-friendly online space for your LGBTQ+ organisation. By ensuring that external links open in new tabs and internal links do not, you can enhance your visitors’ experience, keeping them engaged and informed without unnecessary confusion or navigation issues. Remember, your website is more than just a source of information; it’s a community space that reflects your organisation’s values and mission. Take the time to implement these steps in WordPress, and you’ll make a big difference in how your audience interacts with your content. Let’s make your website not just a resource, but a home for the community you serve.